

Throughout the period of this subject, we have had the opportunity of learning how New Technologies facilitate the real world into the English classroom. These allow students to have direct access to real experiences which contributes to the development of their communication competence in English. New Technologies unwrap a world full of experiences in English, which was difficultly accessible to many up to now.

As we have learnt, New Technologies approach real voices to students; voices which allow children to listen to native and competent speakers from a wide range of accents and pronunciations, thus, contributing to develop their listening and speaking skills. Language learning New Technological resources can stimulate and inspire both teaching and learning English process, although we need to bear in mind that this would strongly depend on the methodology used in the process.
In spite of New Technologies offering new opportunities in the learning process, in my opinion there are two main problems which can be encountered. On the one hand, many teachers require refreshing their methodology, as no matter how new the used tools are, if they do not adapt them to new ways of teaching, this tools would become dull and lose all sort of motivating aspect. On the other hand, a particular New Technological tool or device may have many options attached to it, yet, not having enough expertise or training in this, would fail in successfully taking all the advantages that this may offer.     

Personally I have encountered these two situations while carrying out this subject. First, I have noticed how a useful tool, as Surveymonkey is, could be badly utilized not having the appropriate training required. Thus, being acquainted with this application does not guarantee a well performance in the final objective, which is, creating a successful questionnaire.  Second, being aware of Edmodo has made me reflect about the fact of knowing other platforms with similar characteristics, such as Moodle or Google Drive but still not being an expert in any. I believe any of these tools enrich both teaching and learning process, but real benefit appears when they are used to their best potential. Consequently, I believe I need to select one of them only and explore its possibilities in depth.
Following what it has been presented up to this point, I firmly believe that generally, there is a need for further training, both in methodology and in New Technology tools.      

In relation to what should be teachers´ role in regards to New Technologies and lesson preparation, I doubt whether these should constantly create new material or, whether they should focus their work on searching and selecting material in order to accomplish their duty of preparing their classes. Taking into consideration the lack of coordination and non-teaching hours teachers suffer, I find difficult to believe that they would have much time to dedicate to create new material instead of using the available material. Among the tools used during this subject few may leave the impression of being a waste of time for the result given or the time that can be applied in the classroom. Nonetheless, I believe the focus requires a change in order to create a new pedagogical approach where the teacher does not need to prepare or search for material to provide a traditional type of lesson but, on the contrary, systematic innovative learning activities emerged from children interests and needs. Moreover, many of the tools learnt in this subject, have an organizational purpose which will accompany teachers in their daily routine; Excel, PLE or Rubistar are some of these examples.   
During my work placement, reflected on different social background attached to each school and how this would determine children educational outcome. Thinking in terms of New Technology, there is no doubt that the different in social background is also visible in children opportunity to access, or even possess, different devices and tools and, therefore, their ability in their use them. Most probably the introduction of New Technology in schools widens the gap between rich and poor, as the opportunity each have to fully equip their children with New Technology are an equal.

In a nutshell, this subject has pervaded me by curiosity and motivation to continue my own research in this matter and practice the acquired knowledge during my next work placement experience, before I face my own class in my future teaching profession.

I would like to conclude highlighting the importance of developing my own safety and solving problem skills as well as a contingency plan to prevent and give a fast solution, when problems are encountered with New Technologies. In the last few days before I come to an end with this blog my PC crashed with all ready material on it and unable to access it. Although the experience has been highly stressful and frustrating, I have accepted as a true the importance of using New Technology in a different manner, taking advantages of its potential as well as having a contingency plan ready in case the device itself is not available. 


The following tasks are proposals to use a wiki as a tool within any class. Age group has not been specified, as this could be used in any year of Primary Education. The teacher would need to adapt the scaffolding and the details of the final objective according to the group characteristics.

Collaborative glossary: You can create one page in the wiki for each studied topic where children write and define the important vocabulary, related words… and defined them.

Problem solving or a mathematical challenge: The teacher proposes a mathematical problem solving every week. Students write their answers in the wiki. They check the answers in classroom and they write the solution in the write.

Trip proposals: On a wiki page children write proposal for next trip providing the description of the place and why they would like to go there as well as what they think they could learn from that place/trip. They could also add links to their proposals, pictures...This would later be discussed in class and agreed where to go.

Classroom Diary: The teacher creates a page in the blog where the students can write their experiences during the week as well as post different pictures of their assignments. Every week one person of the classroom will be the secretary, who will be the responsible of writing down.


Evaluation is of great importance within teaching career. Nevertheless, not only gives this teachers´ headache but we have also dedicated very short time in our training period during Teaching Grade. Rubrics can assist us on defining what we need or want to evaluate from our students learning process. Dedicating time to define our rubric previous to any evaluation process would save us time and worries later. Having a well-defined rubric  provides security not only to the teacher as they know where their focus is on, but also to students, as they know what their examiner is going to pay attention to.
Rubrics are useful to define how competences, performances are evaluated. These rubrics can also be used in marking an exam, which although it is said that exams only evaluate knowledge, through a rubric the correction criteria can be specified.
Rubric provides teachers with accountability when having to explain a particular grade.   

Personally, I cannot recall whether this type of tool were available to us as student in my primary school. I do remember having a lot of auto evaluations or co-evaluations but I do not remember if we were provided with this type of tool. Although, in my opinion, what is more surprising is that even though, we have been studying a Teaching Grade, we are not fully familiar with this type of tool, and we have rarely had it available for our evaluation from our teacher beforehand. Looking backwards, I believe it would have been of a great use both to know how we are going to be evaluated but also, as to learn from the tools our teachers have being using.   

TASK 4: The water cycle

This is a task designed to be done with New Technologies, about the water cycle. The aim is to make the children aware of how water is continuously changing and being in a cycle, which is essential for life.

1. The Story Jumper + Educaplay

This task has been created by using two different tools: Story Jumper and Educaplay.
Here, the students are going to read a story about the water cycle. In that story, we have included the different parts of this natural process. Sometimes, the students have some problems to understand this kind of content, and therefore we consider that to use a story is very useful.
Then, they are going to do an activity using Educaplay. This activity consists in completing a crossword of the Water Cycle vocabulary. We think that it is a useful way to learn, to uderstand and to remember the vocabulary related to the topic.
If you cannot see the icon, click here to go to the game: The water cycle
And another way to find information related to this topic is to use google search, where you can find different web pages, such as:
We have selected these web pages because there are good resources in them where children are able to find information about this topic having fun.
2. Pixton
Pixton is a device where children can create comics in an easy way. In this site they have several examples and video explanations that help you to complete it.
Another way to explain a topic is using a Comic, a tool that motives the students. In that case, we are going to tell the students that they have to create a story where two or more characters take place and explain the content we are studying.
On the other hand, this is a different way to study the subjetc.
Click here to acces to the comic example we have created: the Water Cycle_Comic
3. Audioboo
This tool helps students to record whatever thing they want. It will be able to record the previous comic, an oral presentation, etc.
We are going to use it in order to put voice in our comics.
This is an example of what you can do with this program:
4. Blogger
This is a tool that could be used in class in order to help the students and the families to know what they are doing in class and to post several assignments there.
The teacher can post several resources, that are able to help the students to work at home. Also he/she can put some different assigments which will be done in class (comics, audios, pictures, etc). Then, the students at home can share them with their families.

TASK 3: Egypt

This task has been designed with the idea of widen children vocabulary within a project related to Ancient Egypt. The idea is that children would be working this topic within all subjects and this task would contribute towards developing their knowledge in this matter.
The idea is that from a story, children learn characteristics and vocabulary from Ancient Egypt period.

This proposal is for children of 2nd grade of Primary Education.


This story has been created using StoryJumper application. From a known text selected from British Council (Learn English Kids) website, a digital book has been designed for children to read. For the story background scenes, real pictures have been used in order to create a more realistic situation.


In order to share the understanding of the story, using Smartnote (Smartboard could also be used for the same aim) children have to place, in the sequence order, some sentences and pictures related to the story.

Images could also be used instead of sentences with the same purpose.


This part has been designed with the help of PowerPoint presentation software program. The first part of the presentation provides the opportunity of learning the association between the selected word with its image, as well as its pronunciation.  The second part of the presentation works the other way around, where an object is shown and the user needs to select the correct name. This archive has been created to use it as a game competition among children teams.
 (see video above) 


At the end of the task, children will have to represent the story in groups of about five children (it depends on the characteristics of the group). Children will then rehearse their performance but also, prepare backgrounds according to the scene. Children will use Flickr website to search appropriate backgrounds for their representation.

As follows some of the images that can be found (with keywords such as inside pyramids or pyramids) through Flickr are presented:   